For decades, the HiPP company has stood for a conscious and sensitive examination of the subjects of nature, people and the economy.
Every success story begins with a brilliant idea.
Our family business started when Joseph Hipp first made children's rusks and sold them in his pastry shop. That was when the HiPP baby food was born.
1899: The origin of a great idea

In the second half of the 19th century, grandfather Joseph Hipp (1867 – 1926), who came from Günzburg an der Donau, worked in a bakery and candle shop in Pfaffenhofen – a shop he later took over himself.
In 1897, Joseph Hipp married Maria Ostermayer, a woman from Pfaffenhofen, and together they laid the foundations for a family with many children. After the birth of a daughter in 1898, twins were born in 1899 who had nutrition problems. Their mother had problems with breastfeeding, which is why their father had to solve this nutrition problem.
As a creative baker this was not too difficult for him. He baked rusks and made his own rusk flour. With the rusk flour he enriched the milk which then became much more filling. The twins survived and thrived, as did the next five children!
1956: Pioneer in organic farming

Simultaneous to the first industrial production of baby food, Georg Hipp started with the cultivation of fruit and vegetables on natural soils and without the use of chemicals in 1956. Impressed by the idea of the Swiss pioneer, Dr. Hans Müller, the founder of organic-biological farming, he now had one goal: to produce healthy and tasty baby food from organic raw materials.
The family-owned Ehrensberg farm near Pfaffenhofen then converted to organic production. Son Claus and his two brothers, Georg and Paulus, took over the management in 1967 and developed the idea of organic farming further, step by step.
As a pioneer of organic farming, Claus Hipp travelled from farmer to farmer himself to engage in the difficult task of raising awareness. Gradually he managed to convince the farmers of his idea, and he managed to build up a network of organic farm contractors.
Pfaffenhofen 1967: Claus Hipp takes over the management of the family business

After the death of Georg Hipp, his 29-year-old son Claus took over the company management and expanded the father's ecological idea more and more. Back then, the organic pioneer still had to drive from farm to farm in order to win over farmers to his vision. Today HiPP has a network of more than 8,000 contract farmers and is the world's largest processor of organic raw materials. Under the leadership of the three brothers Claus, Georg, and Paulus Hipp, HiPP baby food developed into one of the best-known brands in Germany and a symbol for an economy that is characterized by ecological, economic and social sustainability. "The best from nature. The best for nature." becomes the yardstick by which the growth of the family business and its range is constantly measured.
Pfaffenhofen today: HiPP is a leader in quality and sustainability

For over 60 years the name HiPP has stood for organic farming and sustainable values. In close cooperation with environmental and ecological associations, the company campaigns for a future without genetic engineering and is committed to the "Biodiversity in Good Company Initiative" for the protection of biological diversity. In 1995 HiPP was the first large food manufacturer in Europe to introduce environmental management according to EMAS and is constantly improving its ecological balance. Since then, water consumption has dropped by two thirds and energy consumption by more than half. 97 percent of all waste can now be recycled and the locations in Germany, Austria, Croatia and Hungary are operated in a climate-neutral manner - although the production volume has doubled and the range has been expanded to almost 400 products.